Holy guacamole, 11 days left. Weird. I’m busy trying to get things ready to leave Malongo, and leave my job. Some things get packed, some things get pitched, some things get given away. There’s a sense of urgency about those last few things I want to say to the crew.

Most of all, there’s a feeling I get every time someone calls me “short timer” or I think about what I’m going to be in May. I’ve taken to calling them Mini Vacations. It’s that feeling you get when you realize that at some point in the near future, it won’t be necessary to get up at 4:45 in the morning. I can sleep as long as I want. Hey, I might even sleep as late as 5:00 or 5:30!

I do realize that there are things I’m going to miss, gaps that I’ll need to fill. I’ll always be a tech-head, so something will have to be there to satisfy the craving. I enjoy the teaching part of my job, and I enjoy the sense of pride you get from seeing a project complete, the cool feeling you get when you can solve a problem. I’ll find them, in fact, I’m really looking forward to the search.