A Month of …
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I don’t want to get on an airplane for a month That’s what I told Liz. Every single time I’ve been off rotation since I started this job, we have traveled somewhere. Don’t get me wrong, it was great seeing friends and just messing around knowing that the next time to work was a long way off. I guess I just wanted to see what it would be like to just hang out. I intended to put my feet up and enjoy a nice long break. It was nice, we just messed around, saw a few friends and generally did very little for the first couple of weeks. Then I stared feeling like we needed to be doing something, anything. It was good to get a few projects started. We finally got a guy working on designing our kitchen remodel job, and we bought a few appliances. I built a stereo amplifier from a kit, just because I could. It sounds real good! I got to help out in the annual Cystic Fibrosis Luau in my usual job as bartender. I think I poured over 200 margaritas (and didn’t have a single one myself). I guess our experiment in just doing nothing was successful in that it was educational. We’ll plan a few things next time, maybe travel a little. We found ourselves longing for another road trip, so maybe we’ll give that a shot again. Next off time we are heading for Las Vegas to see Jimmy Buffett – that’ll be fun, and educational! Oh, one last thing: Since Linda Sordal reads this blog I wanted to publicly thank her for her cholesterol remedy. A fish oil pill and a red yeast rice pill every day, plus a whole lot of exercise and eating better. My cholesterol is down so far (70 points) that my doctor said, “congratulations”. I don’t think I’ve ever had a doctor say that to me before. Thanks Sordal!